Due to the high volume of rain and the resulting high water table, many septic systems functionality will be compromised. Many septic systems may become flooded and as a result, drains in the home may run slow, toilets may not flush properly and water may even back up. Limiting water usage will help prevent further issues.
We provide these well and septic tank services for homeowners:
- Septic Tank Cleaning
- Septic Tank Pumping
- Septic System Maintenance and Repairs
- Septic Inspection and Certification
- Installation of effluent forced maintenance filters
- Sewage pump and control system repairs
- Water tank, pump, and control system repairs
- Well water testing
We offer the following products for your septic needs:
- Root-X
- Plastic materials
- Cloth
- Cigarette stubs
- Paper towels
- Large quantities of acids or caustics
- Soaps or cleaning materials which have a high or low pH factor (homeowners are to use low suds detergents)
- Throw away diapers
- Rubber products
- Kleenex
- Some toilet tissues which do not decompose readily in water
- Rainwater from gutters
- Excess grease and fatty materials (Use garbage disposal sparingly)
- Oily materials
- Motor oils
- Grease
- Kerosene
- Gasoline
- Paints
- Backwash water from any type of water softener
- Other materials which do not disintegrate in water
- A/C discharge
- Sump pump discharge
- Automatic toilet disinfection products
#1 Cause of Septic System Failure
Leaking toilets are the #1 cause of septic system failure. Constant flow of water from a leaky toilet will flood your septic tank and eventually saturate your drainfield with water as well as solids. The water level rises above the baffle tees allowing the solids that are normally trapped by the baffles to migrate to the drainfield making problems worse. Even if the toilet is fixed, you still have solids in the drainfield which will cause the drainfield to eventually fail. We recommend that you conduct a leak test on each toilet in your home at least once a year. If no problems are discovered during the first test, we recommend re-testing the toilets because sometimes the leaks are intermittent.
Steps to Conducting a Leak Test on Toilets
- Turn off the water supply valve to the toilet. This valve is usually located on the lower side of the tank.
- Lift the lid to the water tank and observe the water level. Make a mark or take a measurement of how far down the water is from the top of the tank. Then return the lid.
- After approximately 1 hour, look at the water level in the tank to see if the level has dropped since the water supply was turned off. If the water level has dropped, then the flapper in the tank needs to replaced immediately and the toilet is leaking. We recommend that you contact our office and schedule an appointment for us to come out and inspect the drainfield for damage. If this type of problem is discovered soon enough, the drainfield, in most cases, can be cleaned out and restored to normal functionality.
- If the water level has not dropped, continue this test for at least 3 more hours or overnight. Do not forget to return the water valve to the on position once the test is completed.
Performing this simple test and regularly scheduled maintenance are vitally important to the operation and life expectancy of your septic system.
We do not land apply waste. Never have, never will.
All of our septage is taken to a state certified wastewater treatment plant for environmentally ethical and safe disposal.