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"Working Today for a Cleaner Tomorrow"
For Realtors

Our Recommendation to Our Agents

  Download our Realtor's Guide to Selling Homes with a Well and Septic System

Steps to a Conventional Septic System Inspection

  • The septic tank is inspected for signs of decay and broken or missing influent and effluent tees.
  • The septic tank must be cleaned (pumped out) at time of inspection in order to examine the tank's structural stability.
  • The distribution box is inspected for signs of decay.
  • An absorption test is performed on the drainfield to determine if the drainfield lines are functioning properly.
  • We will also look for any other possible threats to the system including root invasion and soil compaction.

Years of experience in the field of septic system inspections and septic repairs has taught us many valuable lessons that we would like to pass on to you, the realtor.

Screen on Well Casting to Block Debris and Insects from Entering the Well WaterA lot of times the septic inspection is put off to the last minute after all other inspections are completed and the client is sure that there will be a closing. With newer homes, this is an acceptable practice, but what if the property has an old septic system that may in fact be close to the end of its life expectancy or may need more than a septic inspection and pumping. Repairs and the possibility of needing a new system can be a deal breaker for the buyers.

It is better to be aware of what you are dealing with weeks before closing if possible. A system that may be functioning fine for a family of two may not function as well for a family of four. The problems that may exist with an older septic system may not be apparent until a thorough septic inspection has been performed.

Just because we recommend septic inspections on older systems to be performed earlier than you normally would on newer systems does not mean there will be problems.

So here is what we recommend you to do: Call us when you get a listing for an older property even if there is not a contract on that property yet. We will come out to the property and do a thorough septic inspection.

You will then know what condition the septic system is in. You will have time to discuss with the buyers and sellers what repairs need to be made if any. After the septic inspection is completed and all repairs are made, we will provide a clear septic system certification letter.

At time of closing, if more than 30 days has passed since the initial septic certification letter was sent, we will recertify the septic system, and provide an updated septic certification letter at no extra charge.

  Information about Septic System Waivers

Frequently asked questions (for Realtors)

What do I need to do to maintain my conventional septic system?

FAQs for Realtors

Selling Homes with a well & septic system

A guide specifically made for Realtors selling homes with wells and septic systems

The Realtor's Guide

What Our Clients are Saying
- Susan M.
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